1. Governance Committee
    1. To review and report on all matters pertaining to the constitution, bylaws, statements of policy and procedures.
    2. To be responsible for submitting such matters for consideration to the Board of Directors and, if approved by the Board of Directors, to the AGM.
    3. To prepare and provide to members an annually updated OSCA/ACOSO Handbook.
    4. To review the online calendar.
    5. To review the website links to determine functionality and appropriateness.
    6. VP, Governance will oversee organization of the award winning selection at the September Board Meeting
    7. VP, Governance will oversee the organization of the Awards Banquet, along with other Board members.
    8. VP, Governance (if immediate Past President) will oversee elections during the AGM and e-balloting if needed, after the AGM.
      • If the current VP, Governance is running for election of another position on the Board, then another member from the Governance
      • Committee (non running), may oversee the elections during the AGM and after.
    9. Review and revise the Ethical Guidelines as needed.
    10. To act as a consultant on ethical issues and overall governance of the board.
    11. To main the corporation papers and letters patent.
  2. Communication Committee
    1. To create materials for attracting new members.
    2. To develop strategies based on research to attract and maintain members
    3. To coordinate the image and branding of OSCA/ACOSO
    4. To create vehicles to attract attention to Guidance and Career Education
    5. To review and analyse OSCA membership annually
    6. To prepare promotional materials such as: OSCA Today, OSCAction, OSCANews, OSCA/ACOSO website
    7. To maintain social media communications.
    8. To act as consultant on overall website development.
  3. Professional Development Committee
    1. To provide annual conferences that meet the diverse needs of Teacher- Guidance Counsellors and other stakeholders in Guidance and Career Education, in keeping with OSCA/ACOSO’s Statement of Principles.
    2. To develop appropriate professional development on current issues in Guidance and Career Education.
    3. To liaise with the OSCA/ACOSO Contract Workers and other stakeholders regarding conference planning. 
    4. To provide new links and resources for the OSCA/ACOSO website and for social media.

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