We want you to be a Director on the OSCA/ACOSO Board!
What a great idea. Not only will you be able to contribute to the leadership of guidance and career education in Ontario, you will have the best professional development you can experience. The nomination form is at the bottom of this page.
The board is structured with a President, three Vice-Presidents, and Directors on each of three committees:
- Governance – oversees the rules and regulations of the OSCA board;
- Professional Development – oversees our conferences;
- Communications – oversees production of OSCA Today.
The Vice Presidents are aligned with the committees and comprise the Executive of the Board with the President.
Board members and the executive meet face-to-face four times per year. The executive meet together the Thursday evening before each full board meeting to discuss strategic planning. We also meet via zoom between meetings, on a needs basis.
Typically the meetings are all day Friday and Saturday morning, three times a year: January, March (virtual), May, September, and concluding with the October/November -Fall Conference. OSCA pays for director accommodation and food, as well as the travel expenses to get to the board meetings. Board Directors will also participate in zoom calls between meetings. Board members and executive also regularly meet with representatives from colleges, universities and the Ministry of Education.
To become a Board Director, a person must have a minimum of Guidance Part 1, have a current OSCA Statutory Subscription, have a current job as a Guidance Teacher- Counsellor in a school or a Board Lead responsible for Guidance and Career Education or a Career Studies Teacher and be nominated by two current OSCA Statutory members. Executive Directors require all the same qualifications as a Director AND their Guidance Specialist. To be considered for the Board, a completed nomination form needs to be submitted, along with a one page personal statement , and a one page resume. Please submit all this information to: oscadesk@gmail.com before the fall AGM.
Next, you will be asked to attend OSCA’s Annual General Meeting which is scheduled during the fall conference. At this time you need to be prepared to say why you would like to be on the board. This way we get to know you a little. All voting is done electronically immediately following the conference.
Your term on the board as a Director lasts three years. This gives you the opportunity to be part of each committee, or perhaps stay on the same one if possible. Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances you can terminate your commitment earlier.
It is possible to run directly for the Executive (a two year term), or you can run for Executive once you are a board director. After being on the Executive you can run for the position of President which is a two year term.
This is a very collaborative board, always looking for new ideas, ways to support our membership and to develop resources to assist in the delivery of guidance and career education. As a board member, you will be privy to information about all new Ministry initiatives, what is happening in post secondary education, and what other organizations are working with OSCA to provide quality programming.
To find out more, feel free to contact a current Director, the President or send an email to oscadesk@gmail.com.
Nomination for Directorship
Ontario School Counsellors’ Annual General Meeting. Please complete all sections of this form to be considered as an OSCA Board of Director.
To access the nomination form on Google, click this link or fill in the form below.