Educators should be aware that, with the exception of this course, the 2006 Guidance and Career Education document for Grades 9 and 10 will remain in effect. The Grade 9 course Learning Strategies: Skills for Success in Secondary School (GLS10, GLE10, GLE20) and the Grade 10 course Discovering the Workplace (GLD20) will continue to be based on the curriculum expectations outlined in that document.
- PDF Format (735 KB)
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Guidance and Career Education, 2006 (revised)
- PDF Format (1.48 MB)
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Guidance and Career Education, 2006 (revised)
- PDF Format (383 KB)
- Plain Text Format (120 KB)
Creating Pathways to Success
An Education and Career/Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools, Policy and Program Requirements, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
Creating Pathways to Success: An Education and Career/Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools, Policy and Program Requirements, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013 describes a comprehensive education and career/life planning program for Kindergarten to Grade 12 designed to help students achieve their personal goals and become competent, successful, and contributing members of society. Creating Pathways to Success supercedes Choices Into Action: Guidance and Career Education Program Policy for Ontario Elementary and Secondary School, 1999. The new policy’s goals are to:
- ensure that students develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed education and career/life choices through the effective application of a four-step inquiry process;
- provide opportunities for this learning both in and outside the classroom; and
- engage parents and the broader community in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program, to support students in their learning.
NOTE: In January of 2017, some of the implementation requirements for this policy were changed from mandatory to optional. For more information, please read the memorandum from the Deputy Minister.
Creating Pathways to Success (PDF, 983 KB)
Education and Career/Life Planning Program Fact Sheet (PDF, 219 KB)
Cooperative Education
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Cooperative Education, 2018
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Cooperative Education, 2018 sets out curriculum and implementation policy related to cooperative education. It replaces Cooperative Education and Other Forms of Experiential Learning: Policies and Procedures for Ontario Secondary Schools, 2000. Schools offering cooperative education are required to implement the policy outlined in this document beginning September 2018
- PDF Format (3.18 MB)
Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016
Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016 (OS) sets out the requirements of the Ministry of Education that govern the policies and programs of all publicly funded elementary and secondary English-language schools in Ontario. OS is intended for school and school board administrators, but will also be of interest within the broader educational community.
- Download OS 2016 edition (PDF, 2.68 MB).
OS consolidates in one document the broad range of policies and programs that affect the educational experience of students in Ontario schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12. It reflects the continuity of education policy governing programs for all students, from entry to school to graduation.
The online document provides links to relevant legislation, regulations, policy/program memoranda, policy documents, and ministry web pages, as appropriate.