
Contribution to Guidance and Career Education


This award was established in 1998 by Career/LifeSkills Resources Inc. which has a commitment to excellence in career and guidance counselling in this province and fully supports the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association and the professionalism that it represents. The Career/LifeSkills Resources Award for Excellence in Career Education is presented in recognition of outstanding contribution to career development. This award is designed to recognize and honour excellence in the field of career development by an OSCA member.


The nominee should meet the following criteria:
  • The candidate must be a member of OSCA
  • Have contributed significantly to the development, implementation and/or delivery of career development programs
  • Have provided outstanding leadership in career development


The nominator must be an OSCA member and must complete the online nomination form. The nomination should include a description of the candidate’s significant contribution to career development.


Curriculum and Resources


At the 1979 Annual Conference held in Ottawa a writing award was presented by the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association and named The Elmer Huff Award for Professional Writing in honour of our first OSCA President. At the 1989 annual conference held in Toronto, this award was expanded to include computer software packages and multimedia resource material. In 2016 the award has been expanded to include all types of Guidance and Career Education resources and is now called The Elmer Huff Award for Guidance and Career Education Resources. This annual award recognizes outstanding contribution to the career development of young people through the creation, development and delivery of high quality Guidance and Career Education Resources.


  • The nominee should meet the following criteria:
  • The candidate must be a member of OSCA.
  • The candidate has created, developed and delivered a Guidance and Career Education resource that may fit one of the following categories:
    • A book or similar manuscript already published or deemed acceptable for publication
    • An article or series of articles already published or deemed acceptable for publication
    • A document or other written work
    • A computer software package or a multimedia resource
  • In cases of co-authorship the OSCA Board may wish to recognize the co-authors


  • The nominator must be an OSCA member and must complete the online nomination form.
  • The nomination should include samples from the resource, such as sections of the book, manuscript, or article, or a link to the resource online.


Counsellor Professional Development


In 1978 the OSCA Board of Directors initiated a Professional Contribution award, which was presented for the first time at the 1978 Conference in Toronto.  In 1982 this award was renamed The Howard R. Beattie Award for Professional Contribution in honour of one of the founders of Guidance in this province.

This award is presented to a who has created new and beneficial ideas and techniques for professional use and communicated these through such means as workshops, local leadership and organization of a conference, guidance courses or executive activity.


The nominee should meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate must be a member of OSCA.
  • The candidate must have created new and beneficial ideas and techniques for professional use and communicated these through such means as workshops, local leadership and organization of a conference, guidance courses or executive activity.


  • The nominator must be an OSCA member and must complete the online nomination form.
  • The nomination should include a description of the the ideas created and/or the activities undertaken by the nominee.


Elementary Guidance


At the 1992 annual conference, the OSCA Board of Directors first presented the Marion Axford Award.  This award honours the leadership, creativity and dedication of Marion Axford, an OSCA Past-President, to the young people in our province.  The Marion Axford Award is presented to an OSCA member for an outstanding contribution to elementary guidance in Ontario.


The nominee should meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a member of OSCA
  • Has contributed significantly to the development, implementation and/or delivery of elementary Guidance and Career Education programs
  • Has provided outstanding leadership in elementary Guidance and Career Education
  • Has prepared materials for elementary Guidance and Career Education program


  • The nominator must be an OSCA member and must complete the online nomination form.
  • The nomination should include a description of the candidate’s significant contribution to elementary Guidance and Career Education.


Contribution to Guidance and Career Education


This award was established by the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association at the annual conference in Hamilton in 1968 to commemorate the great contribution made to Guidance by the late Morgan D. Parmenter.

The Morgan D. Parmenter Memorial Award recognizes a person who has made a most significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in Ontario.


  • The nominee should meet most of the following:
  • Has been or is a member of OSCA
  • Has provided leadership in Guidance and Career Education at the local, provincial and/or national level
  • Has presented, conducted, organized and/or contributed to workshops, meetings, conferences at local, provincial and/or national levels regarding Guidance and Career Education
  • Has or is conducting research, follow-up studies, and/or surveys regarding Guidance and Career Education
  • Has written articles, reviews and/or reports for the OSCA publications or other professional publications
  • Members of the OSCA Executive and Board of Directors may not be nominated for this award during the time in which they hold office


  • Members of OSCA submit nominations for the award
  • Each nomination submitted must be supported by two OSCA members and MUST be accompanied by full evidence to substantiate the nomination
    • This evidence is to be no longer than two pages in length
  • All data on each candidate, together with a statement of criteria, is circulated to each OSCA Board member who will rank order the candidates
  • Tabulation of results by summation of rank is done by two scrutineers not on the Board of Directors but appointed by the OSCA Board
  • The person attaining the least rank or number is declared the recipient of the award
  • The Board may recommend that, for a given year, no recipient be designated
  • The Board of Directors shall determine the nature and form of the award
  • The award should be presented at an appropriate time during the proceedings of the Annual Conference
  • All Parmenter Award winners will be awarded honorary membership in OSCA


Contribution to Guidance and Career Education


The Award of Merit was first presented in the spring of 1972.  In 1977 the OSCA Board of Directors passed a resolution to rename this award The Olive Diefenbaker Award of Merit to honour the late Mrs. Diefenbaker’s contribution to Guidance and Counselling in the Province of Ontario.  The first awards were presented by her daughter during the 1977 Annual Conference at Niagara Falls in November.  The citation on The Olive Diefenbaker Award of Merit reads:  “In recognition of long and dedicated service to guidance and counselling in the Province of Ontario”

This award is to recognize retiring individuals who have made a contribution to the Counselling and Guidance Profession in Ontario


  • This award may be presented to teacher-counsellors, teachers, administrators, trustees and/or members of the community
  • An OSCA member must nominate the retiree
  • The nomination must be seconded by another OSCA member
  • The nominee should:
    • Be retiring
    • Have been involved in Guidance and Career Education in Ontario for a minimum of five years.
    • Have demonstrated leadership in guidance through active participation in professional development, counsellor education, administrative support, promotion of guidance, professional writing, research, or in contributing to professional guidance and counselling organizations.

The awards will be mailed to the nominator for presentation by the nominator or by another OSCA member appointed by the nominator.  These awards are often presented at retirement functions rather than the Awards Banquet.

The names of the recipients of The Olive Diefenbaker Awards will be noted in the official program of the OSCA Conference.


  • Nominations for this award must be submitted by an OSCA member
  • The nomination must be seconded by another OSCA member
  • Nominations must be received six weeks in advance of the presentation date.


Contribution to Guidance and Career Education


This award was first presented at by the OSCA Board of Directors at the annual conference in 2004, marking OSCA’s 40th anniversary.  It was named in honour of Phil Hedges, OSCA’s first Executive Director, to honour his significant contribution to Guidance and Career Education in the Province of Ontario and to honour his significant involvement with the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association. This award will recognize the contributions to Guidance and Career Education by dedicated counsellors in the Province of Ontario.  An award will be given to one person from each of the six educational regions in the province, or up to a maximum of six qualifying nominees from across the province.  **Please refer to to determine which region each school board is included in.


  • The nominee should meet most of the following:
  • The candidate has been or is a member of OSCA
  • Must have a minimum of five years of Guidance and Career Education experience
  • Demonstrates dedication to delivery of a well-rounded Guidance and Career Education Program
  • Provides support and liaison to students, parents, staff and community partners
  • Contributes actively to building a positive school atmosphere
  • Aids students and parents in planning for success
  • Demonstrates the desire to be a team member and interacts with all staff members in a positive manner
  • Is a catalyst for success and high achievement for all students and ensures that high-risk students have all opportunities available to them
  • Promotes and improves local community links
  • Disseminates information on all pathways for students


  • The nominator must be an OSCA member and must complete the online nomination form.
  • The nomination should include a maximum one page substantiating statement.


Counsellor Professional Development


On May 8, 1986 the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association lost a most valuable, dedicated, member who during his “retirement” became very involved in counsellor education as a practicum leader in Guidance courses at York University. The Russ Seltzer Award is presented to an OSCA member to honour contribution to Counsellor Education in Ontario, including teaching Additional Qualification courses.


The nominee should meet the following criteria:

  • The candidate must be a member of OSCA.
  • This member must have contributed significantly to the counsellor education of teachers on one or more of the following criteria
    • The member contributed to the planning, development and implementation and/or delivery of counsellor education programs
    • The member prepared materials for counsellor education programs
    • The member provided consistent leadership in counsellor education programs


    • The nominator must be an OSCA member and must complete the online nomination form.
    • The nomination should include a description of the candidate’s significant contribution to counsellor education.

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